Ralph’s Books

The Good Manager:
Being Great is Over-Rated!
“I have been fired, let go, demoted, punished, ridiculed, reprimanded, reassigned, embarrassed, provoked, called foolish, ineffective, and worst of all disgruntled. the whole time, I thought the problem was them… It wasn’t. It was me.”
“Me, wanting to feel good rather than being effective. Me, hiding behind my principles. Me, not wanting to take a stand. Me, being embarrassed. Me, being scared. Me, and my misunderstanding of what it takes to be a Good Manager.”

Managing When No One Wants to Work:
Leadership Lessons from an Executive Housekeeper
Managing When No One Wants to Work: Leadership Lessons from an Executive Housekeeper is a management expose that reveals the truth: “You can either serve your staff, or you can serve yourself – you can’t do both.”Some managers would rather bury their head in the sand, hide in their office, avoid conflict and let their staff fend for themselves – Those are self-serving managers and they are rarely effective.

Need books for your event?
Bulk book orders:
Please contact us if are in need of books for your event.
#ProTip: I suggest that the book signings be AFTER I have spoken. I am also happy to be set up in the exhibit or vendor hall to have drop-in office hours, sell products, sign books, etc., to drive traffic to the area.
For bulk book orders contact us to place the order ahead of time.

Congratulations! Now Get Over Yourself: Confessions of a Management Development Coach
Congratulations! Now Get Over Yourself, Confessions of a Management Development Coach is a Leadership expose into what it really takes to lead a group of diverse people, “You need to be humble and strong with your hat in one hand, and a big stick in the other,” Ralph says.
This book will help you identify Common Management Pitfalls, including:
- How to Overcome the Management Complex – You’re not “God!”
- How to stop running people over – You’re not a bus driver
- How to Kick Butt with a soft shoe – Even Ninja’s wear slippers
- How to stay out from under the bus – Look both ways!
- How to Buck up and Write up Employees – If you don’t, they won’t
- How to get out of your own way – Get a map
- How to Get Over Yourself and Lead – Trust me, you don’t need a ladder

Adventures in Dietland:
How to Win at the Game of Dieting from a Former Fat Guy
If you’ve tried every diet that you could get your hands on with little or no success… then this book is for you.
Ralph Peterson has tried them all: Atkins, Herbalife, Nutra Systems, South Beach, the Paleo Diet, Jenny Craig, Body for Life, the Grapefruit Diet, Eating Right for your Blood Type, the Four-Hour Body and Weight Watchers, just to name a few. Through it all Ralph has seen his weight Yo-Yo from 350lbs to 280lbs and back again.
Adventures in Dietland: How to Win at the Game of Dieting from a Former Fat Guy, is a synopsis of the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to diet plans and includes 50 Rules Everyone Needs to Know, to Win at the Game of Dieting.
These Rules have helped Ralph lose more than 150lbs, and will help you lose weight, regardless of the diet plan you are following